v. Pomoshtitza
Targovishte oblast, v. Pomoshtitza
price: 80000 €
area: 180 м²
Estate's type: House
Offert Num: 184
published: 26.03.2008
loaded: 1327
Offer's type: Sell
Building type: New
Offer № 184. Two-floor house, which is find in village Pomoshtitza, situated on slope with south presentation in undulating mountain place, on 19 kil. northeast from city Popovo. Paradise place, combination from fresh mountain air and clean nature, preserve in it bulgarian mode tradition and character. Quietly place for living and rest. The house dispose with: kitchen, living room, bedroom, sanitary premises /bathroom and toilet/, veranda, cellar, tavern, stor for agricultural stock, collectors for sun instalation, local heatirg, bathroom /WC, phone, fruit garden/.