v. Koinare
Pleven oblast, v. Koinare
price: 21500 €
area: 240 м²
Estate's type: House
Offert Num: 306
published: 08.09.2008
loaded: 2281
Offer's type: Sell
Building type: New
Offer № 306. One floor house - 120 q.m., four rooms, big hall /winter garden/ the toilet and the bathroom are in the house, with big yard with trees and sowings. It find of the main street of city of 300 m. from river Iskur. Also have and big basement /cellar/, basement 120 q.m., which is made with same situation like the house. The heatirg is a local with fireplace and flooring heatirg. Yard 1380 q.m. in the yard also have and summer garden and well.
Person for contact Irina Vladimirova, GSM: 0884836018