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The future of the luxury places in Bulgaria best impends
05. 02. 2008

During the statement on luxury commodities and service-luxes the round table for the development, the tendencies and the candidates before the luxury places market in Bulgaria is conducted only. The event was interesting and useful, because the specialists of Spain, Cyprus and Bulgaria shared their experience.
The luxury vacation places are most invited in Spain, Between That Suites with captive complexes for 120 to 220 of кв.м by omnifarious extras as well as luxury houses with area-nearly 500 square metre in Spain for nearly 8 10 years The value redoubles to one luxury real estate, this is one stalwart and proved market, Rozmary Uelings tells, the director-sales of real estate Sotheby. In 80, they start orientation on Cyprus for years to building luxury real estates. More than 70 thousand british citizens have got real estates to the island state now. Cyprus tenders unique combining to low risk and high wages- Mark Debiovr, the director-business-development of developer luxury property Pafilia, tells and the cardinal deservingness has the legislatorship in our state that justified the investings for this. The offer at luxury homes in Bulgaria is one thing and a still undeveloped section and occurs barely in Sofia and Varna. This became clear from survey of industry watch,, produced, on order on luxury the real estates, represented particularly during the round table. According to the analysts, despite most captive complexes consider themselves luxury to the background of the existing homes, the larger part does not answer from them on the legitimate to west in the state-standards of luxury as well still. The luxury places market still is away in Bulgaria Nikola Stoyanov, managing the luxury director-places, was named in peroration real dimensions. It still is not in our country that satisfied its main requests one place to be qualified As Luxury, that is building the infrastructure. By the opinion of the specialists, despite the market is in the young age in Bulgaria in luxury places, he has a major potential, given the active development of the country.

The informant:
mag. The real estates Invest